Helsingin Sanomat released a news article on 30.7.2020 concerning the spread of infectious diseases, especially the coronavirus, indoors. The news article addresses the importance of sufficient and controlled ventilation in preventing the spread of pathogens. For the news, Olli Seppänen, Professor Emeritus of HVAC Technology, and Ville Vuorinen, Assistant Professor of Flow Physics, were interviewed.
The level of carbon dioxide indicates the cleanliness of the indoor air
The importance of adequate ventilation to prevent coronavirus is emphasized in both experts’ statements and Vuorinen’s blog posts. The deciding factor for contagiousness are the virus particles spreading in the air aka the aerosols. Having enough replacement air reduces the aerosols in the air and reduces the risk for infections. The thicker the air from viral aerosols, the higher the risk of getting the dose of virus that will lead to infection. Based on Vuorinen’s statement, the sufficiency of air ventilation can be directly measured from the amount of carbon dioxide: “If there isn’t enough ventilation, the carbon dioxide concentrations start to increase.” He also says: “If we can measure the level of carbon dioxide in the room, we can also measure the amount of aerosols.”
The Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air (REHVA) recommends paying attention to monitoring of the carbon dioxide levels.

Measuring Carbon Dioxide with an IOTSU® sensor unit
Small Data Garden’s IOTSU® – sensor unit enables reliable and cost-effective measurement of carbon dioxide concentration. The sensor is attached to the wall of the monitored space, after which it starts sending measurement data to the cloud service, and from there on to the customer. The sensor units are standalone, containing their own power supply and transmitter.
Connections and AC power are not required, and the device can work continuously and maintenance-free for up to 5 years. The small device is designed and produced in Finland. Therefore, the product knowledge and expertise are close to the customer.
Responsibility during and after the Coronavirus
Monitoring the cleanliness of air shows responsibility and caring to the people using the room. IOTSU® makes monitoring simple and the user sees the outcome of the actions taken in almost real time. The person responsible for the monitoring of the rooms can show they care about the people using the room and that they do everything in order to prevent infections. Thus, the necessary actions can be taken when the concentration of carbon dioxide increases and the safety of being in the room can be measured. The need for monitoring the air quality is relevant even after the corona disease. Monitoring gives the possibility of preventing other indoor air problems, to make sure the air is fresh and monitoring the health of the buildings.
Did you get interested in IOTSU®?
More information about Small Data Garden’s IOTSU®-products ja solutions can be found on our website or via
Pekka Käyhkö, Sales and Business development, , tel. +358 40 163 9609, pekka.kayhko@smalldatagarden.fi
Timo Liukko, chairman and partner, tel. +358 40701 2272, timo.liukko@smalldatagarden.fi